



Collective Tarot Reading for Summer 2021

This is a collective card reading. Take what resonates, leave the rest. I used The Urban Tarot, which is a modernized take on more traditional tarot decks as well as the Numerology Guidance oracle deck. You’ll note in The Urban Tarot that some cards come with word associations or character tropes. There’s a card for each month and astrology season for this quarter.


The Ace of Disks (or Pentacles) represents Cancer season. Opportunity knocks on our doors. This card may represent money coming in such as a cash gift, loan, prize or possibly a promotion or raise. For others, the value may be more metaphorical; it could represent an idea or perhaps a piece of advice that proves to be immensely helpful or fruitful.


The Three of Wands is the classic “patience is a virtue,” card. It indicates that we’re on our way towards achieving our goals, however, we must remember that everything happens in Divine order and timing. There may also be a person or resource that can possibly help you. For some, this “assistance,” may be in letting go or walking away from codependent dynamics or toxic behaviors (like addictions), environments or people as The Devil came out at the bottom of the deck.

As we traverse from Cancer to Leo season, we have the Queen of Cups, referred to here as “The Therapist.” There’s a common misconception about the sign of Leo that they’re unemotional, but in fact, I find that many Leos are not too dissimilar from their Cancerian counterparts when it comes to the depths of their emotional waters. Again, some may benefit from seeking the help or advice of another person, perhaps even a professional. It may be related to personal matters, and/or it may be related to work. The situational specifics and application of this guidance will be different for everyone.


In August, we have the Hierophant which I like to refer to as the “God card.” In juxtaposition to the Devil card, it feels as if we are being called to address or change our perspective of ourselves, another person or a situation. Do you view the glass as half full or empty? While it may seem trite, this minor difference or shift in perspective can make an entire world of difference.

Virgo season calls in the Ten of Wands, accompanied here by the word “Oppression.” Old ways of being, doing and thinking no longer work and something quite literally has to give. Again, for many this may harken back to “devilish” behaviors or environments. Oftentimes these can be habits, people, places or things we pick up along the way as coping mechanisms or protective measures. Ultimately however, they turn against us and work against our highest selves and alignment. What in your life feels oppressive to you, and what can you do to remove it? Again, practice patience with yourselves and others as you go through this journey of exploration and discovery, and as you come to any conclusions about changes to make.


Finally, for the month of September, we have the Universe. As the only constant in life, change is inevitably on the horizon. Take stock of the aspirations and goals you may have set at the beginning of the year and be honest with yourself in terms of how ardently you’ve stuck by actions and decisions that support them. Our last card, the numerology guidance #16 reminds us that we are currently in a period of rebirth.

Affirm: “Through personal transformation, I reach my greatest potential.” Until the next reading, be well.

Thameka is a spiritual reader, specializing in card reading, crystal healing, meditation, numerology, astrology and tassology (tea leaf reading). Readings provide spiritual guidance that speaks to the soul - the essence of who you are and your path and purpose in this life. Based in Brooklyn, New York, Thameka is available for in-person or online/phone sessions, and can also provide recorded or written guidance. General readings are posted regularly on Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

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